LTE World Series 2013. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25 and 26 June 2013 . SIMposium 2013 Chairman and Speaker ‘The SIM and international Roaming’
Roaming World Congress 2013, Brussels, Belgium, 13-15 May 2013, Speaker ‘Decoupling of Roaming, Impacts and Expectations’
BSP Mobile Number Portability Summit, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 15-16 November 2012, presentation ‘Porting in one-day’
BSP Mobile Number Portability event, Abuja, Nigeria, 28-29 June 2012, presentation ‘Porting in one-day’
IIR’s 16th annual Number Portability 2011 conference, pre-conference workshop ‘An introduction to Number Portability’, Madrid, 20 September 2011
IIR’s 16th annual Number Portability 2011 conference, Presentation ‘Understanding how to minimize porting times to achieve excellent customer service, Madrid, 19 September 2011
Master class about Improving Porting Times in a Number Portability solution, IQPC Number Portability conference in London, 20-22 June 2011
IIR Number Portability Workshop Middle East (1 day program), Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, 29 June 2008
IIR Technology, ROAMING World Congress 2008, Roaming Workshop (1 day program), Austria, 21 April 2008
Informa, Numérica Portabilidade (Number Portability) Workshop (1 day), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24 October 2007
IIR Technology, Workshop Number portability 2007 (1 day), Prague, Czech Republic,17 September 2007
ENUM 2007 conference, London, 7-8 March 2007, IIR Technology ltd, Presentation on implications for regulatory review of ENUM
IBC, Number Portability Implementation Workshop (GSM Brazil seminar, 1 day), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , 8 June 2006
IBC, Mobile Number Portability Implementation Workshop (1 day), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 7 February 2006
IIR Technology, Number Portability Workshop (1 day), Budapest, Hungary, 19 September 2005
Also find the list of training events